August in Pennsylvania brings hot summer days and fields of zinnias. The name zinnia comes from a German botanist, Johann Gottfried Zinn who found zinnias in Mexico and brought them to Europe where he bred varieties and new hybrid forms.
Zinnias are easy to grow in full sun and long lasting. The cut and come again quality of zinnias makes them a popular flower in the cutting garden.
When I think of zinnia, I think of strips of blooming color. Maple Acres Farm has rows of zinnias and sunflowers.

My photographer friend, Kate Fahey, takes a closer look at petals and pollen. Bees and butterflies love this flower.

Closer still Kate’s picture explores the appealing turn of petals and subtle color variation.

One zinnia in single vases shows off the spirit of the flower.

Bright zinnias from Whole Foods in a simple glass vase are held in place with a tape grid. Both chicken wire and floral foam are too dense to hold delicate zinnia stems. Tape is attached to the top of the vase in a lattice pattern and a piece of tape circles the top of the vase to hold the ends of the lattice.

Here summer flowers from Urban Roots Farm include zinnias and lisianthus in a softer, more romantic color palette. The flower stems are held in place with a cross pattern of hydrangea stems. When using a metal vase line it with a plastic bag to insure no leakage and protect the flowers from reacting to the metal.
A row of test tubes attached to bamboo skewers inserted into a wooden board makes a great way to show off zinnia blooms and other summer flowers. Here caryopteris ‘Longwood Blue” and balloon vine combine with colorful zinnias.
Enjoyed the post. Love the arrangement with the test tubes and the horizontal branch, as well as the general information about zinnias.