Under the Christmas tree for me was this fascinating book by Kassia St .Clair which inspires a closer look at the wide variety of color hues and the variation with each hue.

St Clair gives the color white the following descriptions:
Lead white, Ivory, Silver, Whitewash, Isabelline, Chalk, Beige

A look at “white” roses that are available from the wholesale flower market, shows a vast array of colors, all called white.







Other white flowers also vary in the intensity of pure white in the blossoms.



Spider mum



Varieties of lilies vary as well.

LA lily

Hybrid lily

Through the years artists have worked with the color white. Mark Rothko paints planes of tints and shades of white which he labels “Natural.” John Singer Sargent masterfully paints “The Moorish Lady” in varying intensities of white with a few colored accents.

Contrast of the pure white ranunculus and pink tinged nautilus are nature inspired.

White hydrangea and pure clematis look more vibrant with a background of a creamy, pink tinged wall.

Nothing shows off white flowers with more contrast than a pitch-black background.

So bundle up and enjoy warm wishes for a January filled with flowers.